Joe Allison . Tim Darbonne . Amanda Drinkwater
Glenn Fugett . Russ Gavin . Michael Huestis
Kathy Johnson . John Leonard . Albert Lo
Mark McGahey . Gerry Miller . Paul Rennick
Kevin Ronan . Katie VanDoren . Tyler Sammons
Jeremy Spicer . Cam Stasa . Dominic Talanca
Frank Troyka . Bill Watson . Nicholas Williams
Jeff Young . Ly Wilder . Richard Saucedo
Jay Webb . Dave Woodley . Dean Westman
Jon Vanderkolff . Matt Harloff . Gino Cipriani
Every one of these clinicians offered their time for free. All are amazing educators with a passion for excellence in the marching arts – and all jumped at the opportunity to present for a group of eager learners.
We are very fortunate to have hosted such fantastic human beings and teachers. Thanks to all who have presented thus far and future clinicians alike!